Simply comment with your Paypal, and you will receive an invoice for your purchase. Once your order has been paid, it will ship within 2-3 business days. Note that orders can be combined and shipping will be combined as well to trim down that cost for you.
Sales tax has been added in already!
If you order something that is a pre-order, it has not yet been ordered because I have to meet minimum quantities on these items, usually 10-12 of each. An order will be placed asap for all preorder items. Notifications via email will be sent to keep you informed!
See something you like but there is only one available? I can get more! Simply comment your Payal just like any regular order, and we will get it in on the next shipment.
I cannot guarantee before Christmas shipping on any preorders!
Check back regularly as I hope to keep adding fun things for you to shop and enjoy!