This year has been deeply segmented. The winter with our first foster. Unexpectedly selling our house, living with my sister-in-law for a month and then finally moving into our new house in May. That all seems like distant memory somehow as we have now also had a football season segment, new school segment and most recently a new foster kid segment.
While we were living at the mercy of our family- who were absolute rockstarts to let 7 people move into their house- I took the ennegram test to see how I would score. I was equal parts disappointed and relieved to read the personality description of my number as it pegged me into every hole that I inhabit.
Some call the ennegram type 1 "The Reformer" and others label us as " The Perfectionist." Perfectionist didn't ring true at first because well, if you saw my housekeeping you'd know better than to believe it. But if you look deeper at some of the things I do- list making, rigid schedule following, straightening, typing and retyping and typing again, you might begin to see a pattern. Maybe.
Ones are also known for having a strong sense of right and wrong. Here's me handwaving. I always know what ya'll should be doing. It's why I sometimes yell at ya'll. Sorry about that, actually not sorry because you can do better. SEE!? I can't help it. I think I might have actually been yelling at a Bible study I go to when we got to talking about how people who are shopping for "needy" and "foster" kids are looking for the cheapest possible way to check the box, rather than buying a gift as if it were for your own child. Why do these kids deserve the plastic Wal-Marts of the world when your kids get name brand?
*Bows head, steps off soapbox.*
What you may not know about us type 1 perfectionists, is that we also have extremely high expectations of ourselves and a surly inner critic who lets nothing slide, offers no grace and never lets up the finger pointing at all your faults.
This blending of bleeding-heart-social-justice-foster-parent, plus being a human that annoys easily, plus having an unrelenting inner critic usually results in a girl who can never seem to get it right. That has a bad day with her foster and can only see the numerous ways in which she is flawed and incapable of offering love for love's sake. Who wakes up annoyed with the kid and goes to sleep annoyed with herself.
A few weeks ago I was struggling. Foster parenting was too hard and I'm too bad at it and I just wanted to quit. Sitting in my comfy chair in the dark, pre-dawn the morning after a really hard day, I still felt down. "I feel alone in the fight," I wrote. Then continued, "Lord, YOU tell me this is good and pleasing in your sight and I will feel satisfied to continue."
Friends, He is a good Father.
Several hours later I was meeting with some clients who adopted all three of their children. We were talking about adoption and foster care and I shared some of my struggles. You wouldn't think a messenger from God would be an older man in jeans and a t-shirt with a rugged white beard and tortise shell glasses, but there he was standing before me delivering a personally written love note from God.
He said, "God knows you aren't perfect." He paused a minute, "But He's willing to work with You and meet you where you are."
My inner critic went silent with those words and tears sprang into my eyes.
Such precise word selection could not be accidental.
Friends, this is why I wrote my little devotional sitting bravely at number 1 million-ish on the Amazon best selling list. Because all of those hours I have poured into reading my Bible and praying have developed a relationship that is undeniably personal. I have begun to learn the sound of His voice, whether it leaps out at me from the pages of His word or drawls out of the mouth of His ordinary messenger. I want this for you too. And you can have it if you will invest in growing a personal relationship with Jesus. My little devotional is a good place to start.
He sees us, He hears us, He answers us and He loves us. Oh, how He loves.
If you haven't gotten your copy yet, join in with the ten or so others and grab a copy! I hear it makes a great Christmas gift.
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